Friday, June 7, 2019

A good story to read.

Sakshi was a brilliant kid. Loved and respected by her friends and family. Her daddy used to call her 'his little angel'.
People used to envy her.
How can someone be so perfect?
They would say when she wasn’t around.

Everything was going fine. But, one day Sakshi met someone new, someone special, someone who stirred something inside of her. Little did she knew that her life was about to change forever. Rohan was his name.
Sakshi fell in love.
A few months and a few conversations later, She confessed her feelings to Rohan. Rohan reciprocated. They were together forever. At least, they thought so.
When she was with him, She felt like a queen. She felt like they can conquer anything together. And why couldn’t they? That’s how strong love is. Isn’t it? :P
Everything was better than perfect. Her grades didn’t waver. She was still equally loved by everyone. People still used to envy her.
One day, Rohan fainted during the school assembly. A sunstroke. He told Sakshi. But, little did she knew that those will be the last words she will ever hear from him. He was taken to the nurse’s office. He lied there on the bed and was later taken to home by his parents.
Next day, Rohan didn’t came to school.
He skipped the school for the next week. He wasn’t picking up the phone either. Neither were his parents. She went to his house daily only find out that no one was there. Out of desperation, she asked Rohan’s neighbours about the whereabouts of his boyfriend and his family. They told her that they didn’t knew.
She was flustered.

One day, there was an announcement at the school assembly.
Principal: Unfortunately, one student of our school passed away last night. He was suffering from cancer for the past 2 years. His name is Rohan from class 11-C. We will now hold a two-minute silence to mourn his parent’s and our loss.
Rohan’s friends and everyone who knew Rohan were shocked. It was a surprise to everyone. However, they were silent.
But, during those two minutes, someone started crying. She was shouting. She was calling the principal a liar. And eventually she fainted. Sakshi was taken to the nurse’s office.
There she was laid on the same bed, Rohan was laid a when he fainted.
She woke up only to cry and faint again.

In the following weeks she stopped going to school. She started hating herself. She stopped paying attention on herself. She knew that she was going downhill. But, how could have she stopped herself?
She was lost.
Everything she had planned for the future had Rohan in it. Afterall, her dreams weren’t her alone. It was their dream.
She had explored every restaurant with him. She started fearing her dreams. She started fearing the restaurants. She started fearing the school.
She didn’t go to the school for the next few weeks. But, one day she did. Only to run away and not go for the next whole week. She tried again only to fail again. Her grades started to dwindle.
But, one day she woke up and thought:
What would Rohan think of me if he were here?
It took some time but she was back to her original colour. Stronger than ever.

Five years later
Sakshi has successfully completed her studies and is working her dream job. She is still loved by her peers and her daddy hasn’t stopped her calling her ‘his little angel' :)
Did she stopped missing Rohan? No.
Did she find someone new? No.
Can she reciprocate the same feelings for someone else? Maybe.
Is she stronger than ever? Hell yes!

Shubhra Sarkar